Previewing Long Material: The Parts of a Book

What are The Part of a Book?

1. Title Page : Has the information about when and where the book was published, and also give the name of the author
2. Table of content : To help the reader to find the names of the chapters of the book and the page number where each chapter begins.

3. Glossary : To give the meanings of the words which used in the book. It can help you to understand your reading.

 4. Index : The reader will find a listing of each topic in the book, names of people, maps in the book, or any other information in the book listed here.

How The Strategies to Reading Text Book?

Before reading a book :  

  •   Preview : Preview the table of contents. This is an outline for what is encpsulated in the entire book. And also preview the glossary. 
  • Use prior knowledge : Chances are, you already know at least “something” about the topic
  • Check the chapter set up : Knowing how the chapters are set up will help you tackle each chapter better.  Predict : Based on what you see in the table of contents, the glossary, and other parts of the book. you will find out what will you learn in the book.

Before reading a chapter:

  • Preview the headings or sections : It can help you to find out what the chapter about.
  •  Preview the picture : Usually, each picture or visual aid also has some material near it to    accompany it. Check it to give you some background information on the content.   
  • Preview the questions at the end of the chapter : They will help give you a good idea of what you are supposed to learn as you are reading.  
  • Preview the review : it will help you know ahead of time what information you should remember when you are done reading.   
  • Use prior knowledge : It will prepare you for new information.   
  • Predict : Prediction what will you learn in the chapter


previewing long material the part of a book means how you can get know what the content of book it. You should know and understanding the part of a book before. It is make you easily to get what are you want to know in the part of the book. This technique is very helpful to you as learners to find the material of the book without you are read all of content the book one by one which is exactly wasting your times. After you finish reading, there is also next  step make you more easily in reading.


  1. I know these questions all. They are not yours. Please cite your sources. Do not cheat. What I see on this page of yours is plagiarism. Be honest.


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