
My experince in forex

Hello guys, my name is Nova sintia. I am from STKIP PGRI Lubuklinggau. one of campus in lubuklinggau. Okey! Now, I want to share and discuss in this paper, about the joy and sorrow of trading forex for third month this. initially I use forex because of the course on my campus on business. Opening an account is the initial stage to start trading Forex. To start trading, first download its trading platform, or MetaTrader4 trading as a tool for its transactions and to view the real market or see a chart of currency changes. before using real account, I try to learn to use an account demo. see the results I get from the demo of the account I'm interested in using the real account, and I also direct the deposit.  The first time I was trading, I was just guessing the direction of price movement. maybe more coincidentally op buy price again soar, in the heart mumble happy it turns out easy trading and very easy to earn money without having to work hard wkwk and maybe again lucky ...

Facts & Opinion

Defining Facts & Opinions An important part of reading comprehension is determining what a fact is and what an opinion is. To understand more completely, let's define each. A fact is a statement that is true and can be verified objectively, or proven. In other words, a fact is true and correct no matter what. An opinion , however, is a statement that holds an element of belief; it tells how someone feels. An opinion is not always true and cannot be proven. In education, children as young as kindergarten engage in conversation about fact and opinion. Why is this skill important enough to teach? Let's take a closer look. Purpose in Education Instructing young children on the terms and concepts of fact and opinion is a little like their emerging math skills - begin with the basics and allow for more information to come as they mature. We teach fact and opinion as a reading and analytic skill necessary for understanding and mentally processing text. Know...

Critical reading

What is critical reading ? Critical reading is an important precursor to critical writing. This Study Guide explains why critical reading is important, and gives some ideas about how you might become a more critical reader. What is critical reading? The most characteristic features of critical reading are that you will: examine the evidence or arguments presented; check out any influences on the evidence or arguments; check out the limitations of study design or focus; examine the interpretations made; and decide to what extent you are prepared to accept the authors’ arguments, opinions, or conclusions. Why do we need to take a critical approach to reading? Regardless of how objective, technical, or scientific the subject matter, the author(s) will have made many decisions during the research and writing process, and each of these decisions is a potential topic for examination and debate, rather than for blind acceptance. You need t...

Summarizing : comperhension skill

What Is Summarizing? Summarizing is how we take larger selections of text and reduce them to their bare essentials: the gist, the key ideas, the main points that are worth noting and remembering. Webster's calls a summary the "general idea in brief form"; it's the distillation, condensation, or reduction of a larger work into its primary notions. What Are We Doing When We Summarize? We strip away the extra verbiage and extraneous examples. We focus on the heart of the matter. We try to find the key words and phrases that, when uttered later, still manage to capture the gist of what we've read. We are trying to capture the main ideas and the crucial details necessary for supporting them. When You Ask Your Students to Summarize, What Usually Happens? they write down everything they write down next to nothing they give me complete sentences they write way too much they don't write enough they copy word for word ...

Drawing Conclusions & Predicting Outcomes

Drawing Conclusion   What is the Drawing Conclusion ? Drawing conclusion a closely related skill to making inferences and predicting outcomes, you may think of them as essentially the same thing. Why is Drawing Conclusions an important reading strategy? Drawing Conclusions is very important in understanding what is happening in a story. For example, many times an author will describe story elements, rather than directly telling you where, when, who, and so forth. We need to draw conclusions in order to understand the important parts of the story. How do we draw conclusions to help us understand what we are reading? As you read, think about the characters, setting, problem, plot, and solution. Did the author give you any clues to think about? Use the story clues and what you already know from your own experiences (prior knowledge) to draw a conclusion about what is happening in the story. Steps to draw a conclusion:     -      ...

Making inferences

What Is It? Making an inference involves using what you know to make a guess about what you don't know, or reading between the lines. Readers who make inferences use the clues in the text along with their own experiences to help them figure out what is not directly said, making the text personal and memorable. Helping students make texts memorable will help them gain more personal pleasure from reading, read the text more critically, and remember and apply what they have read. Why Is It Important? Researchers have confirmed that thoughtful, active, proficient readers are metacognitive; they think about their own thinking during reading. They can identify when and why the meaning of the text is unclear to them, and can use a variety of strategies to solve comprehension problems or deepen their understanding of a text (Duffy et al. 1987). Proficient readers use their prior knowledge and textual information to draw conclusions, make critical judgments, and form unique interp...

Previewing Long Material: The Parts of a Book

What are The Part of a Book? 1. Title Page : Has the information about when and where the book was published, and also give the name of the author   2. Table of content : To help the reader to find the names of the chapters of the book and the page number where each chapter begins. 3. Glossary : To give the meanings of the words which used in the book. It can help you to understand your reading.   4. Index : The reader will find a listing of each topic in the book, names of people, maps in the book, or any other information in the book listed here. How The Strategies to Reading Text Book? Before reading a book :     Preview : Preview the table of contents. This is an outline for what is encpsulated in the entire book. And also preview the glossary.  Use prior knowledge : Chances are, you already know at least “something” about the topic Check the chapter set up : Knowing how the chapters are set up will help you tackle each ch...